Mince pie graphic3594

Mince Pies Sold

Mince pie graphic3594

Total Raised

Mince pie graphic95

Total No. Stops.

What is the Mince Pie Marathon?

It's an initiative created by Brightbulb to raise money on behalf of The Wight Brainy Bunch charity. The last 3 year's of the Mince Pie Marathon has raised almost £25,000 towards helping people on the Island suffering from brain tumours.

We know delivering thousands of mince pies around the Island, in a single day makes us a bit, “mince pie mad” but amongst the madness and fun, every penny goes towards a fantastic Island charity.

Find out more about The Wight Brainy Bunch

How does it work?

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Order a box of mince pies for you, your family or staff. Each box will cost £6 and all of the money will go to the charity.

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You will be added to our board and we will locate you on our marathon map. Thanks for your donation.

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Be quick, the cutoff is the 4th December. On the 11th December we will race against the clock to deliver all the mince pies.

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On the day, have your phones ready, grab a snap and post your delivery on your socials using the hashtags #MincePieMarathon #WightBrainyBunch

Donation Form

We've ran out of mincepies! We're still open for donations if you'd like to help support the Wight Brainy Bunch!

100% of your donation will go to The Wight Brainy Bunch charity.


Your company name/first and last name will be displayed in our Mince Pie Leaderboard.

Mince Pie Leaderboard

Compete to win the Mince Pie Marathon. The more you order the higher you will place. If someone goes above you, place another order under the same name to compete and beat them. The more you order the more we raise as a community for The Wight Brainy Bunch.

1 John’s Team 630
2 PC Consultants 420
3 Royal Navy Discounts 150
4 Top Mops Limited 150
5 Jada Facer 132
6 Isle of Wight Tomatoes 120
7 David & Carol Pointer 120
8 Power Device UK Limited 90
9 Freshwater Dental Practice 84
10 Gurit UK Ltd 78
11 IFPL & Cobalt 72
12 Carisbrooke College 72
13 Random Rooms 66
14 Alison Absalom 60
15 Real Employment Law Advice 60
16 Wight Pubs 60
17 Chris Lawrence 48
18 Visit Isle of Wight 48
19 Wight Crystal 42
20 Kay Jeffery 42
21 Stainless Games Ltd 42
22 MedTec Design Services 36
23 Peekaboo 36
24 Briddlesford Farm 36
25 Marian Caruana 36
26 Bright Brown Ltd 36
27 BCM Wilson Hill 30
29 Medina College 30
30 Roach Pittis Solicitors Limited 30
31 Paul and Nancy thorley 24
32 WightLife Homes 24
33 Sally Bason 24
34 St Catherine’s School 24
35 Vectis Refrigeration Ltd 24
36 The Fig Tree Hotel Shanklin 24
37 Sandown Sweets 24
38 Simon Bligh 24
39 VI Form 24
40 Maggie Currie Coaching 24
41 My Family Mortgages Ltd 18
42 Adam Wilson 18
43 Lizzee Annis 18
44 Mark Brookes 18
45 Pertemps 18
46 IOW Group 18
47 Sarah Harvey 18
48 Arreton St George’s nursey 12
49 Island Echo 12
50 Honeybourne Jewellery Ltd 12
51 Olive Burt 12
52 Isle of Wight Jobs Ltd 12
53 Tamara Nutting Rodriguez 12
54 Vectis garage 12
55 Shane Smith 12
56 Tony Haydon 12
57 Zachary and Darcy Hayles 12
58 Powered Now 12
59 SMC Bookkeeping Services 12
60 Education Destination 12
61 The Island Tea & Coffee Co. - Betapak 12
62 isleofwight.com 12
63 Alberto Penalva 12
64 Ann-Marie Phillipson 12
65 Alexandria Heatherton 12
66 Joan Salisbury 12
67 Isle of Wight NHS Trust 12
68 Linzi Lloyd 6
69 IW Chamber 6
70 Stefanie Reeve 6
71 Sue Woodley 6
72 Beka Lawton 6
73 Bronte Jennings 6
74 Tina Gray 6
75 Susan Rose 6
76 Roberts specialists 6
77 Samantha Sharp 6
78 Janette Nye 6
79 Holly Jeffrey 6
80 Stephanie Jeffery 6
81 Lee Betts 6
82 Kathryn rust 6
83 Jon Carter 6
84 Steve Bavington 6

Our Main Sponsor

Yokogawa Marex (A division of Yokogawa United Kingdom Limited) is a specialist software solutions company that develops, promotes and supports software and IT solutions for production facilities across the globe. Yokogawa Marex is owned by Japanese parent company Yokogawa Electric Corporation, a major global process automation company founded in Tokyo in 1915.

Find out more here

Other Key Supporters

Huge thanks to these businesses who are also helping the biggest mince pie giving day of all time, come to life, by giving their time or services for items that help the marathon operate.

Raven Print & Design
Wight Productions

Our Marathon Map

Here is our Mince Pie Marathon map. You can see the number of drops we have to complete throughout the marathon. Once you've ordered you'll automatically be marked on our map. On the day you will be able to track our vehicles dropping off the mince pies.